Monday 23 July 2018

Canada Geese at Hagerman (June 2018)

I finally finished going through my photos from my last trip to Hagerman in June. There were a lot of great photos of Canada geese.

There was a large flock of them dawdling about in the road. Of course, I had to stop and take photos of them. They weren't in a hurry to move out of our way. At one point, it was like an absurd skit: more and more geese emerged from the bushes.

The goslings from early in the spring now how most of their adult feathers. The goose in the middle of the photo below is showing off his pin feathers that are still growing in post-molt.

There was another flock of geese near the observation deck. Most of them were hanging out in the grass, relaxing.

My presence was not particularly welcome and the entire flock swam away in the most orderly fashion.

By the way they were pairing off as they got into the water and swam away, I'm guessing that I interrupted date night (afternoon?).

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Snow Geese - Hagerman NWR (pt. 3)